this will be the place where we (sarah francis hollis' drawing iv class), will collect together our visual ideas, sketches, in-progress work, and overall contemporary inspirado for our class, so that its available for discussion, (in relation to our work and progress).
as an assignment in this class, students are asked to maintain a
'contemporary drawing journal', where they must collect a minimum
of 50 images of contemporary drawings (made 1970 or after) in
some organized format, (i.e. sketchbook, blog, website, video
journal, etc.). this blog will be a collection of our ongoing
findings, as well as documentation of our investigations
throughout this semester. with this, we hope to figure out
what we like and admire; what confuses us, what attracts us,
(and so on), in contemporary drawing. the resolution of this
effort will be some kind of conclusion/commentary on the
what makes a drawing, a drawing?
what makes contemporary drawing, contemporary?